
ELECTROCYCLING complies with all legal and waste-legislation requirements around the treatment and recycling of waste electric/electronic equipment, and offers manufacturers and owners of waste electrical and electronic equipment the highest possible levels of recycling safety.


Over the last 25 years, ELECTROCYCLING has applied for and received several approvals in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) in conjunction with the 4th BiMSchV and the 4th regulation regarding the implementation of the BImSchG, for its construction and operations, and for extensions to the recycling plant. The approvals were granted inter alia in accordance with Clauses 8.4, 8.10, 8.11 and 8.12 of Appendix 1 to the 4th BImSchV.

However, due to the extensive amounts involved, these documents can only be viewed at ELECTROCYCLING’s premises.

Certifications and licences

ELECTROCYCLING has several international, national and European standards, and is inspected and certified for this purpose by independent experts, These include quality, environmental and energy management, but also the European Standards Series EN 50625ff (CENELEC), regarding the collection, logistics and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment, as well as certification as a specialist in the safe destruction of data carriers in accordance with DIN 66399.

In addition to the standards, ELECTROCYCLING also fulfils the statutorily required certification as a specialist disposal operation and as an initial treatment plant for the acceptance of waste equipment pursuant to Section 21 ElektroG.

Here you can see the following certificates and licences:

Certified waste management company [German abbreviation: Efb] pursuant to Section 56 KrWG (below: Efb certificate from waste disposal association ESN)
Certified initial treatment plant [German abbreviation: EBA] pursuant to Section 21 ElektroG (under 3.1 on page 5 of the Efb certificate and separate BFUB certificate)
Certified quality management system pursuant to ISO 9001:2015 (DE)
Certified quality management system pursuant to ISO 9001:2015 (EN)
Certified environmental management system pursuant to ISO 14001:2015 (DE)
Certified environmental management system pursuant to ISO 14001:2015 (EN)
Certified energy management system pursuant to ISO 50001:2018 (DE)
Certified energy management system pursuant to ISO 50001:2018 (EN)
Certified operation for the collection, logistics and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment pursuant to CENELEC standard DIN EN 50625 ff.
Certified specialist in the safe destruction of data pursuant to DIN 66399 (ISO/IEC 21964)
European licence for commercial cross-border road haulage