Start of an internal R&D project on the processing of electronic scrap by Preussag AG Metall.
Construction and operation of the recycling plant, founded by the companies Deutsche Bundespost Telekom, Siemens AG, Alcatel SEL AG and Noell GmbH.
Construction and commissioning of the plant on an industrial site in Goslar.
Acceptance of recyclable material mainly from business customers and shareholders.
Amount of waste recycled:
Approx. 1,000 t/month
Number of employees: approx. 100
Maintenance of own teams for the dismantling of old electrical equipment at the customer's site.
Amount of waste recycled:
Increase to approx. 2,500 t/month
Number of employees: approx. 130
Environmental management according to DIN EN ISO 14001
Initial treatment plant according to § 21 of the ElektroG
Implementation of the ElektroG. As a result, increased take-back of old electrical appliances from the household sector.
Acquisition of 4 hectares of former zinc smelting site. Subsidised remediation of contaminated sites on the acquired site - resulting in an expansion of operations from around 2 hectares to 6 hectares.
Construction of a coarse shredding plant with the necessary infrastructure in connection with the expansion of the plant capacity for the recycling of electronic waste from 30,000 t to 80,000 t/year.
Amount of waste recycled:
Increase to approx. 5,000 t/month
Number of employees: approx. 230
Technical expansion of the coarse shredding plant in connection with the installation of a sensor-based sorting system and an eddy current separator.
The technical expansion makes it possible to control different processes according to the material composition.
Energy management according to DIN EN ISO 50001
Data carrier destruction according to DIN 66399 (ISO/IEC 21964).
Treatment of waste electrical equipment according to DIN EN 50625 (CENELEC)
Acquisition of a further 2 hectares of the former zinc smelter site in the north-west.
EU project:"Rehabilitation of brownfield sites by removing environmental damage".
Completion of the construction phase "Partial redevelopment of the former Harlingerode zinc smelter"
Construction of a new production and maintenance hall incl. social wing.
Commissioning of an early warning system in the area of fire protection due to an increasing number of fires triggered by the return of batteries and accumulators and the associated dangers.
By spring 2021, we will have recycled one million tonnes of waste electrical equipment.